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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It has been so long sense I walked around with a camera in hand, but I finally got the camera to the estate. 
Here are a few things going on around the barn.

This one is a wild beebalm

I do have two more that are more compact... But I think they will go well with... what ever this plant is I got years ago.

What ever it is ... it is doing nicely where she lives!  I have added several other little things but most are edibles that are not as attractive.

Chard, Strawberries with spinach between each plant.  not to forget all the veggies I listed only my last entry... But with all the food there are still more things I have added and several wild things I dare not hurt wanting them to spread as much as they like!

YES they are RED NOT PINK! still the same thing but I want barn red as much as I can! Just not on my barn thank you.

But to move us into my native plants... I have choosen ...
to get us into the dasies taking over ...

There is SO much more! but... I shall not bore you in one post!

My hope is that your life is full of as much color as you can handle.
AEGF ...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Yesterday was as perfect as a day can get.

While I could have slept to 6:30 my body woke me by 3:30.  I went to the sofa to wait for the sun to come up.

Started the little F250 by 6:30,

Guys got here and we got the last load of last years hay out of the storage barn and into my little barn.

Of course with the first leg up on the truck bed I ripped my pants!
Lovely! but it's all farm work... who really cares, and I had on under garments so what is the big deal.

We put insulators on T-post so I could allow the horses into the shade of the trees in a week or two ( as I have to spray the weeds around the electric fence before I can allow them in.)

The water truck was suppose to be there by 10 am with 3300 gallons of water, but I was worried about the mud lot and such a large load, but the woman driver was on her game and knew exactly what she was doing.  LOVE IT when that happens.

We planted some ground covers, some veggies, and grasses around the barn

Finished up the rock support wall to the Locus sidewalk to the water container.

And finally got to clean out the fish pond, and water all the plants we just put in the ground... watermelon, squash, two tomato plants, one egg plant, basil, dill, cucumber and LOTS of grasses.

We then went to the Amish store for the best sandwiches in town... of course with my left cheek hanging out I tried to stay out of the crowd, but it didn't matter, as the locals were put off by all my dirt on my pants, and oxford, the cheek was just a shocker to the women as we left!  ha ha ha...

Got home, took a shower, tried to scrub my hands/ nails clean... rested for a moment, then Jerry came home and we untangled a few knots having fun in the middle of the day as every couple should.

As he was trying to rest I had to wake him to assist me in putting all my padding back in my trailer, as my kids are SO SPOILED they do not ride well in an open trailer, they love their padded stalls for the curvy mountain roads around here.

I would too if you consider it would be like us riding in the back of an open bed truck with a blind fold on not knowing what to expect next! So we put the thing back together I put on my gear and left.

I met David about 5... and we got back about 7 nice little ride, and perfect for SweetPea as she is out of shape for the first time in her life. 
Which of course is my fault having not ridden them in such a long time.

Navarre still has a diaper, leather, duck taped foot so ... he proceeded to prance as much as he could having been separated from his girl. He cried desperately as we pulled away!

Yes I left my bridal in the barn... What is new... I always forget something the first time out.  I now have my spare back in the dressing room for such occasions. But... we just made a circle and got there on time. 

Life is good!
The ride was SO refreshing for my soul!

My love to the world I can only hope you all experience such a lovely, productive, and fun day!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I recently posted Navarre was getting stiff in his hind end.  Last night I didn't post but shared with Helen that his gate was off, I knew he was hurting but could not figure out where or what was going on.
This morning my little boy was bobbing his head with every step!   I called the vet as soon as they opened.
He showed up ASAP and sure enough a heal abscess was about to blow but could not due to the preventive shoes I keep on him.

His family and breed tend to founder very easily, and I ride him on a paved road (yes highways or any road I can find regardless of cars, motorcycles, or believe it or not the worse is the bicycles) SO I keep a full poured shoe on his front to proved more pressure and not allowing the coffin to move / separate easily.

Today we got the poured shoe off, and with the hoof tester found a lovely abscess in the heal.  You know the wonderful kind that go to the bone very easily...

So soaking, salt baths, and more soaking are in order for the next few days... It only means I'll be getting up even earlier and going to be even later! But this is what we do for our family... "my kids"

By the time I got there I was afraid it was a bowed tendon!   a nice knot on the tendon, but only due to all the pain and favoring it so badly. 

Sometimes I feel like a very bad mother!
Other times I know I did everything I could. 

Special note... I called the farrier to give him a heads up that I would need him for ONE SILLY shoe in the weeks to come, after treatment.  MY VET HAD ALREADY CALLED HIM! and informed him of the medical issues I was having!   I love my equine team, they are top notch, supportive, and ON THE BALL!  
My hat is off to ALL of them!

Protecting one thing caused this abscess not to be able to blow! But I think we got to it in time!

Yep I love a good hot shod!

My love to the world!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Wow... it is late fore me... 6:45pm and here I sit! 
I sit here because as much as I have done Navarre must have reached over the fence OR one of my supplements has more sugar than they are telling me.  His gate is labored in the hind end, which is where it always starts.  So I will have to make sure he has no feed tomorrow and no supplements just to see if that helps any.   Yes it will take a week of no feed / supplements to make sure and I will add them back one by one.. On with life!

My eyes are barely open, and I long for sleep! GOOD sleep! Oh if I could only curl up with the horses and sleep snuggled next to them!   ha ha ha... life threatening but a dream all the same.

My love to the world!

Monday, June 18, 2012

I'm Back... thank you for allowing me time off!

It has been such a LONG time sense I have taken the time to write.  I have done very little other than work, care for my horses, and be exhausted.

Yes I know we ALL are!
It is not that big of a deal, I have just been working 14- 16 hour days and little time to write when doing so.

I have however found MANY wonderful things to share with others about Navarre.

While with no time exercise has been but a second thought to me and to him.  He is still only on a mud lot, he has had absolutely NO grass... .EXCEPT when the vet came.  I believe he fear of the vet come from being so deadly sick most of his younger years.  I would call the vet they poked and pulled blood every time they showed up.  Now if he sees a needle he freaks... so GRASS was a last resort!   I hate a twitch but we may have to use one next time vet appointments come to the barn for a normal appointment. 

If he is sick he is not so bad but he was dangerous this time and I can not be inflicting others with his view of the world.

I have cut back ALL of his feed, and most of his hay, but my other horse is a hard keeper so I have to lock Navarre up while she eats.  I can not stay around for the full time so once she goes to get water I have to let him out.  She is learning that if she wants her feed / fat supplements she is going to have to defend them!

I have put up a new fence! So Navarre is not getting out all the time.
I have changed his oil several times, and like to give him as little feed as possible.  Literally down to only 1/4 scoop for a DAY so he gets very little twice a day.

I am however having to give him something so he gets his vitamin E, selenium, herbs, and fly control not to mention his salt!   Yes I give him electrolytes in the morning to make sure he drinks for the day otherwise my little boy doesn't drink and gets dehydrated.

My job situation is about to get a little better for July so I will be posting once again. I am however VERY interested in the pinterest thing... if you would like to follow me please feel free.