1. I do my prep. pre measure all their food, all their supplements, put them in am bags and pm bags. I then take photos of where and what is going on.
IF I were leaving today! I would let the babysitter know... don't try to drive up this crazy muddy drive in the rainy slosh of a right away. Just park here like I do and WALK in... I would then supply the babysitter with a walking stick I use myself! ha ha ha...
My feed is AM in the LEFT metal trash can in the barn... and in the AM trash can Sweet Pea's feed is the larger amount bagged on the left and Navarre's is on the right.
NIGHT feeds need oil... the oil is in the right trash can with the feed...
My visiting raccoon has yet to figure out these little fasteners...
I would also make sure the babysitter knows were the siczzers are for cutting into a bail of hay... as so!
My next thing would be to make sure you put the doors back as you found them, (as I generally change my door configuration depending on what I am doing in the extra stall... So sometimes it is to one side and other times the doors are in the middle.
and I would make sure the locking system was highlighted... ha ha ha...
I would also give a visual as to where the hay would go... I love my hay to go as far down the dry (mud) lot as possible but in weather as this ... just get it off the mats and not into the gravel... as so ...
I would also provide them with all my numbers...
not going to post that one! ha ha ha... but this is just for starters...
Life is good
and even GREAT if you can plan ahead... not that it always works...