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Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines day!

I have to ask!  What is with this day?  Do we really need a day to tell people we love them?  Are we really so lax that we do not express such feelings?

I have to say ON THIS DAY I am a very lucky person.  Jerry and I generally do not celebrate such "holidays" as we tend to tell each other, in little "strange" love notes left on the kitchen counter, ON ? / IN the grocery list, even within his packing list we have our private little jokes that make me giggle, I love harassing him about his vocabulary used in such notes.  (Tang is not purchased for this house, but it does find it's way on my grocery list)

Jerry ... my dear... I love you!  Thank you for allowing me to be who I am, what I am (a horrible house keeper ha ha ha... )  Thank you for pushing me to do things I might want to do.  Thank you for allowing me to be as different as any human can be.  While most couples only see each other morning, and night  thank you for loving me enough to deal with me ALL day 24 hours a day...  ( I'll stay at the barn longer today, just to give you a little break! ha ha )


  1. Do make those? They are so pretty! you are so talented!!

  2. Yes I made these... not a big deal ... just something to keep my hands busy during the shut in of winter.
