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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Life in the rain has been strange this year.

I have stopped on 5 lane highways, two lane back roads to get turtles out of the road.  I took them all to our property and set them free.

Three of them to date! 

Yesterday it was a baby dove that could not fly.  It sat in the road as I drove over it, tumbled like a plastic bag behind my car and I stopped.  I brought it home because it was so cold and wet with heavy dew. I took it back after the cold burned off!  (cold because it has pin feathers, not fluff, or full feathers) It could not fly away.    I poured bird seed around it to attract older, more doves to care for it.  It was still there at 1 pm when I took Navarre out for a short ride.  It was still there when I got back.  It appeared to be gone at 6pm when I went back for the nightly feedings.  Till I was driving off and saw it in the road again.  In the road because it is dark and was warmer than the grass.  Once again I picked it up, and brought it in for the night.

A low 60, heavy dew, so we kept it warm for the night.  It drank all its water, and even ate some bird feed last night.  Body functions seem to be perfect, so it goes back out to the barn again today.  I leave for work in a bit and I shall check on it after 6pm for the nightly feed.

I can only hope by the end of today it can fly, and fly well!

I hated to leave it 1. in the road.  2. perfect food for the hawks and larger birds in the area with no way to fend for itself.  Yes I know I should allow nature to take its course BUT basic shelter is one of those things we all want, need, and should never expect to have.

May your day be better than this struggling little dove.
My love to the world

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