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Sunday, March 14, 2010


While the picture is bad, it is done on purpose.  I didn't want someone mad because I scanned a magazine article perfectly.  Instead I photographed the magazine.... this is Navarre's Dad...
Horse Illustrated has an article on Navarre's Breed, just so happens His Father and His maternal Grandmother are in the photos. This one is Panda on the right... His maternal grandmother.  I wanted HER as the mother but... $$$$ please... Pie her first shipped with her to the US was a good pick.  Smaller, and more black.  Gypsy King (above) throws white babies... so I TRIED to counter balance it.  NO LUCK...
Today was one of those days... too wet to ride but too pretty to stay inside, it's 7:40 and still day light (barely) but... the change in this time zone is drastic... I enjoy being on the west side of ANY time zone, you get so much more light!  Being on the east side you get cheated... ha ha ha...

I have better pictures of mom and dad but this is the most recent article.

Hope everyone is having a good day, enjoying more daylight!

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